comparative study.

Another scientific publication has confirmed >Your< Iron Line’s efficacy. A study compared >Your< Iron Syrup to a commonly prescribed iron source (iron sulphate) in a mouse model of iron deficiency. >Your< Iron Syrup was superior in improving several iron-related parameters and efficient in correcting iron status without inducing an inflammatory or inhibitory response.

your iron syrup comparative study

researching further.

>Your< Iron Syrup’s efficacy was already shown in a human clinical trial published earlier this year. The addition of a new study on a mouse model of diet-induced iron deficiency enabled the comparison of our product to the benchmark for efficacy and one of the most commonly prescribed iron sources – iron sulphate. It also allowed researchers to investigate the effects of both products on iron uptake mechanisms & inflammatory response at a molecular level.

Results summary:

  • >Your< Iron Syrup was found to be superior to iron sulphate in improving several iron-related parameters. For example, it showed a 70% and 82% higher increase in serum ferritin.
  • >Your< Iron Syrup was confirmed to be efficient in correcting iron status, as it restored ferritin, hemoglobin, and other iron status markers to healthy levels.
  • >Your< Iron Syrup did not induce an inflammatory response or the hepcidin-mediated inhibition of absorption, giving mechanistic details into the product’s good tolerability.

The study was published by MDPI Biology and can be accessed online here.

an additional asset.

Anton Oražem, CEO of PharmaLinea commented: “It is important for us that we keep investing in the scientific substantiation of our iron supplement line. We see it as much more than just the products alone. It is our goal that the product line presents a complete package for brand owners: the product and the means for its successful promotion. Assets such as this comparative study and several awards enable our clients better communication and differentiation. It is much easier for medical representatives to position the product in front of doctors and pharmacists and compare it to commonly prescribed products when they have such data available.”

Maja Orešnik, Science & Research Director of PharmaLinea shared her view: “We are very pleased with the results as iron sulphate represents a benchmark in efficacy and is very commonly prescribed or taken – both in iron supplements and in iron drugs. As such, the substantially higher increase in serum ferritin by >Your< Iron Syrup is very impressive. Also, these results reinforce the findings of the clinical trial, both in the excellent performance of >Your< Iron Syrup in improving ferritin status, as well as restoring other iron-related markers to healthy levels. Research on the effects of iron supplementation on the inhibition of absorption through hepcidin is also coming into the spotlight. We are happy to have investigated these mechanisms in relation to our product line and to have shown very positive results.”

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